Facial Hair Removal Using a Laser

There are plenty of products available for helping to temporarily remove facial hair, but these can often create unwanted side effects such as redness or even soreness in the area that has been treated. Even worse, the effects only tend to last a few days or weeks at the most before the whole process needs repeating, and re-growth can often be uneven or it can result in ingrown hairs that can turn into spots or pimples.

For this reason, more and more people are choosing to have facial hair eliminated with laser hair removal in Manchester. Laser treatment is extremely discreet, and it is the fastest and most effective way of slowing hair regrowth, or eliminating it completely. There is no need to grow the hair prior to treatment, but you do need to limit any waxing or tweezing in the six weeks prior to treatment. The reason for this is that the laser will be targeting the root of the hair, and if it has been temporarily removed through being plucked out in some way, it will be unable to destroy it.

Laser facial hair removal is perfect for both men and women, and can help to eliminate monobrows or excess hair on the upper lip. It is also good for helping to eliminate sideburns, and unwanted hair on the chin and neck.

What to Expect from Treatment

You will almost certainly need more than one treatment, and although some hair will fall out after your first session, you will get some re-growth. In between treatments you will only be able to shave your facial hair to ensure the root of the hair is there to be treated by the laser during your next session. A few days after your laser treatment you may notice hairs beginning to fall out as your skin becomes smoother and more hair-free. It is important to let the hairs fall out naturally, and to resist the temptation to pluck them out. If the root is still live then it will need to remain in place for the next laser session.

Treatment for facial hair is relatively quick as the areas treated are quite small, so each session could be as short as fifteen minutes, while larger areas may take approximately forty five minutes to treat. You may need to have anywhere between six and 12 sessions to eliminate the hair completely, and it might be necessary to have occasional touch-ups once treatment is completed, as it is still possible for new hairs to grow through.