Laser Hair Removal FAQs

We know many patients have questions about laser hair removal in Manchester, so we have put together the top ten most frequently asked. If you do not see the answer to your question listed here, then please contact Kiss Laser Hair Clinic and our friendly staff will do their best to help.

Is laser hair removal safe?

Many patients are concerned about the safety of laser hair removal, but this technology has been safely used for many years. Patient safety is our top priority, and is one of the reasons why you will have a patch test at your free consultation. Everybody is unique, and each treatment is customised to the individual patient's needs. You'll be treated by a fully qualified and experienced practitioner.

In spite of the fact that laser hair removal is extremely safe, it's quite common to experience some side effects of the treatment. You may notice redness around the area that is being treated, and it might feel itchy or tingly. Sometimes the hair follicles that have been laser treated will swell up slightly.

How many sessions will I need before an area is completely hair-free?

You will be able to see some effects of treatment after just three session, but it will probably take multiple sessions to achieve complete hair removal. The number of sessions will depend on how well you respond to treatment and is affected by factors such as your skin, and hair colour and the size of the area being treated. Most people will need anywhere between 6 to 12 treatments, but this is something you can discuss at your free consultation.

Is laser hair removal painful?

You might experience some mild discomfort, and some patients have likened the feeling to being pinged with an elastic band while others feel nothing at all. Any discomfort should be fleeting and will only be felt when the laser is actually applied to the skin and immediately afterwards. Any discomfort is usually soon relieved through the application of ice packs or cold water. The laser uses brief pulses to target the hair follicles.

Are there any side effects to hair removal that I should be aware of?

Laser hair removal in Manchester is extremely safe, but you might notice some minor side effects after the session. Your skin may be slightly red for the first two or three days following treatment and you might notice slight swelling. Some people also feel a slight tingling sensation. Other side effects such as changes in skin colour, or bruising or the formation of scalps are far rarer. If any side effects persist for longer than a few days then you should seek medical advice.

Is laser hair removal permanent?

It is possible to reduce the amount of hair in a treated area to the point where the skin looks a lot smoother, but it might not be 100% free from hair. As yet there is no method of hair removal that can be called completely permanent as a number of factors can influence its regrowth. These include hormonal changes and age. In spite of this most people will find that laser hair removal in Manchester permanently reduces facial or body hair. Its regrowth is experienced then top up treatments can slow its regrowth. Most people find that any regrowth is a lot finer and is sparser.

How does laser hair removal work?

The laser actually works in a way that is pretty clever, treating the entire hair including the follicle. Laser hair removal works because the hair contains a substance called melanin, and this is responsible for the colour of their hair. In addition melanin acts like a target for the laser light energy, allowing all this energy to be concentrated on the hair rather than the surrounding skin. This means that laser is able to effectively destroy the hair follicle while leaving the skin untouched.

Do I need to take any special precautions immediately after a laser hair removal session?

Most people will need very little if any recovery time, although you might experience a little redness for the first couple of days also. For the first 24 hours after treatment it's best to avoid heat treatments such as saunas or steam rooms, or direct exposure to the sun. If you do go out in the sun you’ll need to use sunblock on any exposed areas. It will probably take two or three weeks before the treated hairs to begin falling out and you might be able to help this process through gentle exfoliation.

What are the most common areas treated with hair removal lasers?

It's possible to treat any part of the body with hair removal lasers, but most people will opt to treat their face, including the upper lip, jawline, neck and chin. Other common areas include the underarms and arms, the legs and bikini line and the back and shoulders. This treatment is also useful for the chest and stomach area, and for permanently removing hairs around the nipples.

How much will treatment cost?

This is a very tricky question to answer as the number of sessions required can vary from patient to patient. This can depend largely on the size of the area to be treated. It is best to book a free consultation with us in order to receive a proper quote for the cost of treatment.

Why do some people have excess facial or body hair?

The amount of facial or body hair any one person has can depend on a number of different factors. It can be partially due to genetics, while other people may be affected by hormonal changes or glandular issues. It's quite common for people to develop more body hair as they age.